Learn more about MailChimp metrics that matter the most to you and your clients.
Emails Sent
The total number of emails sent for this campaign
The total number of emails delivered for this campaign. (Did not bounce)
Hard Bounces
The total number of hard bounced email addresses
Soft Bounces
The total number of soft bounced email addresses
Syntax Errors
The total number of addresses that were syntax-related bounces
The total number of clicks for the campaign
Unique Clicks
The total number of unique clicks for links across a campaign
Unique Subscriber Clicks
The total number of subscribers who clicked on a campaign.
Facebook Likes
The number of Facebook likes for the campaign
The total orders for a campaign
The sum of all order totals with no deductions
The sum of all order totals minus shipping and tax totals.
Unique Opened
The total number of unique opens
The total number of opens
How many times the campaign has been forwarded.
The total number of unsubscribed members for this campaign.
The total number of bounced emails
Abuse Reports
The number of abuse reports generated for this campaign
Delivery Rate
Percentage of people that received the email. (did not bounce)
Open Rate
Percentage of subscribers who opened the email
Click Rate
Percentage of subscribers who click on a link or image within the email
Unsubscribe Rate
Percentage of total subscribers that received the email and then unsubscribed
Bounce Rate
Percentage of total subscribers that did not receive the email, due to soft or hard bounce
Click-to-open Rate
Percentage of subscribers who clicked on a link; this is only of those who opened your email not all recipients
The number of visits to this landing pages
Unique Visits
The number of unique visits to this landing pages
Click (Landing Page)
The number of clicks to this landing pages
Conversion Rate
The percentage of people who visited your landing page and were added to your list